Organic Native Dark Roast Yaupon Tea

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Organic Dark Roast Yaupon Tea is a smooth and delicious brew that is native to the Southern United States. Roasted to perfection, this tasty tea has a smooth and natural sweetness. This bushy holly plant is in the same family as yerba mate and guayusa. Hardy and drought resistant, it is the only caffeinated plant native to North America and grows wild in the Southern United States, stretching from Texas to North Carolina.

Yaupon was used for thousands of years by Natives, and this tea has recently reemerged and become widely available. The tannin content is low compared to more familiar teas brewed with Camellia sinensis leaves, so it is difficult to oversteep and does not become bitter easily.

Do not let the unfortunate botanical name of Ilex vomitoria deter you, as yaupon does not have emetic properties. Botanist William Aiton named this plant in 1789 after settlers witnessed Native American people in purification ceremonies drink vast quantities of a drink that was believed to be yaupon. It is likely that this “black drink” may have been blended with other herbs as well for ritual purging.

Contains caffeine.

Aroma and Flavor
A pleasant aroma that is reminiscent of genmaicha with a black tea twist. The flavor is mild and smooth, with a slight tannic trace nicely emphasized by the roasted notes. Exceptional served both hot and cold with a mild natural sweetness.

Brew Instructions
Fill 1 teaspoon of tea in a cloth tea bag or mesh basket and place in your favorite mug. Pour 8 ounces of boiling water over the tea and allow to steep for 3-5 minutes or until desired strength is reached.


For best results, use filtered water


Size: 8.79oz Glass Jar

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