We Are In Relation

You will sometimes meet someone you believe is a soul mate; you feel the connection on many levels, perhaps instantly. And as you get to know each other more, you begin to feel the connection deepen and you feel that you must have an arrangement with this person that predated this lifetime.

Do not assume, however, that this soul connection necessarily means that you are meant to be happily together for this lifetime. It may be that you are going to help each other in ways that even involve conflict and separation, but with an end result that is beneficial to you.

What you need to do with all relationships, is let be. You need to allow all of life to flow and evolve. You need to let people be who they are, not what you want them to be. And above all, you must not try to control, push and prod, manipulate and orchestrate relationships.

Shine out and show us who you are, so that people who are looking for someone exactly like you can find you. Do not allow setbacks or even major betrayals to dampen your shine and your being.

In life's journey you will encounter much, narrow paths blocked by avalanches, forks in the road shrouded in fog and deep valleys of darkness. It is all a part of life. And as you walk your path, other people will join you for a time: a dear friend, a lover, a spouse, children and parents. And then they may go away.

And through it all, the only constant is that you are you, and if you allow your core of truth to tell you which fork in the road to take, if you allow that internal compass to tell you which mountain to climb. If you go chasing after others, trying to make things be other than how they naturally are, then you will find yourself suddenly awakening in a deep forest without knowing where to turn. You must reach down and find yourself again before you continue walking.

You are everything you need to be, just as you are, right now. You are the beacon that shines and shows the way. Be glad when others walk beside you, enjoy their company, connect as closely and deeply as you can, but always, always, shine your own light and walk your own path and allow them to do the same.~

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