The Process of Surrender

Surrender into the knowing and trust that the clarity will step forward as needed.

We think we need to know - to feel safe & in control.

Freedom is the space of letting everything come to you, knowing it is all already there. Along with all that you will ever need to support your soul’s greatest mission in this lifetime.

You can fall deep into trusting the great mystery and flow through your life experience with much more ease, the more you get comfortable with the unknown. Because when we don’t know, we actually open a clear space in our field, that can then be filled with light of your highest potentials & knowings - beyond what the mind could ever tap into on its own.
To not know, is a sign of a great change to one’s highest good.

To not know, is to know the secrets of the mystics - for to not know is to know that all is well in the deepest spaces of your heart, and from there the next step will arise.
In Kindness,

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